Monday, 20 March 2017

Did not see this one coming!

last Friday we had the chimney in our lounge swept. We are waiting for the certificate to arrive.
We have just had a chimney fire!
I was washing up in the kitchen and heard a roaring. We knew immediately what it was so I phoned the pompiers ( French 🚒)  the lady I spoke to was very calm and coped with my French! As it happened one of the pompiers was our neighbours son from the next farm! The house was full of smoke upstairs and down. The muck had fallen onto the plate in the flue and ignited.
The pompiers were great and very efficient.
I put the three cats in my mini and the two dogs in the Rav to keep them safely out of the way.
Tomorrow we have to find someone to repair our wood burner. We probably need a new liner and flue.
I hope to never experience that again!
Makes a change from calling an ambulance for him indoors!


  1. Love the last line!

    You are keeping a positive attitude. I'm glad no one was hurt.

  2. All humans and animals ok. Just the big clear up today!

  3. Hope it won't be too much of an expense. The last thing you need I'm sure!
