Monday, 13 February 2017

Zero waste

Beginning to think it is impossible whilst living here! I do not create very much rubbish myself having a green Johanna and two compost bins. I upcyle and recycle and do not buy unnecessary things. I have reduced greatly factory made food but cannot remove it altogether. This is where the problem lies. Manufactured food has too much packaging that ends in land fill. I am always searching the Internet for ways to reduce further what I throw away. Most of the ideas come from America who have embraced this concept far more than France has. We have good recycling facilities but no such thing as zero waste shops where you take your own containers for filling. I live in hope it will come but given my rural part has only just started stocking a small range of vegetarian and vegan products, I do not think it will come any time soon.
Work is coming on well. My shell of a utility room is almost framed out. This coming weekend should see that finished. It has been agreed that work will be done on our house at weekends. It means it moves very slowly but at least it is going forward.
I am on a mission to simplify further and thin out possessions. We have far too much. I read a very good piece about decluttering that stated ' you do not need to keep grandmas thimble to remember when she mended your trousers '. I am applying that to many things now. It concerns me that if I were  to keel over I would leave a lot for my children to sort through. I do not want that to happen. I will try selling some things to add to my savings, some will go in the charity bins and some will be thrown. I do not want to put things in land fill but may have to for the last time. In future I will think carefully about what I buy. The rule will be if something comes in something will have to go out!
I have done a lot of soul searching about becoming vegan. I have listened to all that others think on both sides of the arguement and have decided it is important to me to be vegan. I will not use weird ingredients like liquid smoke but will make things myself using real ingredients. I know I will settle into it making it easier as time goes on.


  1. Good for you, Aly! You are a great example of how we all should live and have the courage of your convictions. Decluttering is on my agenda too, but slowly, slowly.

  2. Thank you Chris. I am considered an odd ball by those around me! Doesn't concern me though!
