Sunday 3 April 2016

What a lovely day

I have loved Alpacas for ages but never met one. Through my smallholder group I had a wonderful day surrounded by them! Such beautiful animals. If I had more land I would have some!
When we arrived at the smallholding which is next to a large farm there was a new calf wandering in the road. The umbilical cord was still attached. She was staying close to a barn that had Bulls in it. I didn't think she was safe so encouraged her to come down to the farm house. Found a lady who said she was the cleaner but would call the farmer! Meant I spent time with the beautiful little girl. At least she was a girl so will grow up to give milk. I have to keep blinkers on a lot living here, I always put it down to being raised on Disney while the French had Asterix!
Have done lots of bramble clearance in the garden and it is looking good. Polytunnel is coming on, it is quite involved getting it done. Had a bonfire going too to get rid of the garden stuff. Bit of dry weather makes all the difference!

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