Saturday, 8 October 2016

Oh dear!

Just as we are settling down for winter....
Yesterday evening him indoors was trying to finish doing the electrics in the Gites. He lifted a piece of plaster board awkwardly and tore the tendon that attaches the bicep muscle to the bone. I thought he had dislocated it and he passed out with the pain. I managed to get him to our local hospital where an X-ray revealed the damage. As it was Friday evening we have come home with pain killers and his arm immobilized. On Monday early we have to call the X-ray department for an appointment for an echo. We have an appointment with a surgeon on Tuesday. It is likely he will need surgery to reattach the tendon, then be in plaster for a while to give it time to heal. It will not be a quick fix.
Fortunately when we took out our top up health insurance we included extra cover for him incase of an accident such as this. We will have to call the agent but I am hoping we will get a pay out to pay a builder to help with the Gites.
It is going to be difficult as he cannot drive or even put his own socks on!
Today I have put a sugar syrup tray on the bee hive to give them extra feed. I will check it in a couple of days to see if they are taking it.
Today we have lit the wood burner for the first time since last winter. I have also restarted on my crochet throw which will be finished before spring.
How true it is that you never know what is around the corner.


  1. That is unfortunate, Aly, for both of you, and painful I'm sure. It sounds like the French health system is providing good service. Hope you get the expenses covered as you are so dependant on his ability to work on your property.

  2. Hospital rang this morning with an appointment for this afternoon for the echo! The health service is very good here it is just coping with the language that is difficult. It helps that I was a nurse so at least I understand the routinue!
