Wednesday 24 February 2016

Facing the unknown 🙄

So as the UK goes to referendum over whether to leave the European Union we are in limbo. There is lots of talk amongst expats here and we are all worried. None of the politicians are saying what it means for us. This is something totally out of my control which I find very hard.
We have owned this house for 8 years now and lived here for 6. It has not always been easy and there have been times when I have been desperate to go back to the UK. We have now made a life for ourselves and accepted staying here. If England leaves Europe it could be difficult to live here. We are fortunate where we are in that we are accepted. I don't know if that would remain so.
For now we will carry on and wait until we are told something definite but just now I feel if someone wanted to buy our place I would sell it.


  1. I am sorry about the frustration and uncertainty. I guess I don't know enough about about the European Union to understand the issues that would make it difficult to live in France if the UK left the EU. If you no longer live in the UK and your children also live in France, what difference would it make? If it is not too complicated, could you explain, please?

  2. Our old age pension when we finally get it will be frozen, no annual increase. For some private pensions too but not yet sure where we stand with that. Pensioners who live here have a special agreement with England paying France for healthcare, that would stop. Our European driving licenses would be invalid. We would no longer
    be termed as European but estrangers, which is foreigners. This would alter the way the French treat us. Worst case scenario we could be asked to leave the country. Unlikely but still a possibility. There would be a flood of expats trying to sell property which would only suppress an already depressed housing market. Many expats here make a living selling goods and services to other expats which would dry up.
    As we are registered as resident here and pay tax and into the health care system, we claim no benefits and own our house, I am hoping we will be left alone. No one is saying what it would mean for us which is frustrating. We would probably need a French security/ identity card too...lots of bureaucracy involved in getting that! Nothing is certain just now.
