Monday, 10 April 2017

Renewed energy for self sufficiency

Yesterday I had my monthly smallholders meeting. A wonderful talk by a couple we know who are self sufficient in just about everything! Their food bill from supermarkets is very low. They also barter with local farmers for things like wheat.
This has really fired me up! They do have five acres where I only have one but I can do lots more to make my land work! I am almost self sufficient in fruit only buying in bananas and oranges. My plan this year is to be self sufficient in veg! It will mean lots of work preparing the ground because I am determined to stay chemical free.
I will also prepare for taking on two goats. This will give me a supply of milk and cheese. It removes plastic bottles too as milk is the only thing we buy that comes in plastic bottles.
When we first bought this place the plan was to be self sufficient! That has been a bit lost with the Gite business taking the priority. I am moving him indoors away from meat, quietly so he does not notice!
Over the next few months I will plan out what to grow next year and start building up my seed stocks. It is the only way to be sure food is clean. Some of the plug plants bought in have had diseased veg! My window sills are laden with sprouting seeds just now. I very much need the polytunnel so will have to push him indoors to finish it!
Off now to start putting my plan into action!

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