For some time I have been unhappy with the format of my blog! I can no longer post pictures which are important to demonstrate what I am doing. Makes it boring for those reading too.
I have started building a website to which I plan to add a forum. It will grow slowly as I have never done anything like this before. A lot of googling has gone on!
The website is 'The little green smallholder ' which I hope you will easily find. The blog will continue on there .
I write on several different websites/forums and the plan is to keep it all in one place. I hope this will improve the quality of my writing to have it all in one place.
It is not my plan to earn anything from this as this would not fit with my principles. It is likely to cost me a small amount each year to run but that is ok.
I do not know if this will succeed but hope it does.
Am working on putting in a link to the website!